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Pneumatic ash handling system working

Ash is a remnant of the coal factories that make electricity in big stacks (a by-product generated when we burn coal to generate electricity). If this ash is not thrown safe than it can be very dangerous, so that the handling should in such a way like prevent Indian sites clean from such thing is very important. Again, this JYSR is where an AFBC ash handling system is a good send. 


Instead of having workers scoop the ash out by hand — which can be a backbreaking and sometimes risky undertaking — the system here moves that ash through fans. The ash is collected in a huge container called silo, from there the process starts. A silo is a kind of large storage tank for the ash to stay while it gets transferred. After we collected the ash, we employed a blast of high pressure air to flush it through the pipes into our ash handling system.

The process of transporting ash with compressed air

One of the greatest advantages that comes with using an ash handling system is it greatly improves the way a factory runs and how much they can produce. Nowadays pneumatic ash handling system everything is done by an automatic system which saves people from doing every work by hands. By this way they save so much time and also away from the non happenings. This JYSR fast action over the ash allows more important work, which must be undertaken by workers to continue. 


This allows factories to make sure their operations stay up to date. This reduces the delay created by manual ash cleaning o neumatic ash f workers. Therefore, using them not only cuts out waste but also takes away the dirt that makes everything unsafe for all workers in these locations.

Why choose JYSR Pneumatic ash handling system working?

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