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Blower akar tiga daun pengangkut pneumatik digunakan untuk pipa sirkulasi

Blower akar tiga daun pengangkut pneumatik digunakan untuk pipa sirkulasi

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Merk : JYSR

The JYSR Pneumatic conveying tri-leaf roots blower is used for circulating pipes that are circulating. This method is good for conveying materials that are many from powders and granulars to pellets and grains, with a high efficiency and energy consumption this is certainly low. The tri-leaf origins blower is a displacement this is certainly uses that are good lobes to build atmosphere flow, that makes it perfect for applications require constant and smooth conveying.

Among the many things are great the JYSR conveying this is certainly roots that are pneumatic is its versatility. This method is tailored to accommodate your whole demands of every application, such as the charged power, force, and expense of procedure. Furthermore, the JYSR end that is high famous due to the high-quality and components are durable which guarantees the durability and reliability when it comes to item.

The JYSR Pneumatic conveying tri-leaf roots blower is used for circulating pipes is obviously a task is installed that is straightforward continue maintaining. Its compact design and noise that is low make certain it truly is perfect for outside and usage that is inside while its simple framework and user-friendly settings helps it is considered a simple task to execute and service. Moreover, the JYSR brand name offers tech this is certainly group that is exemplary customer support, making sure any issues or inquiries are addressed straight away and expertly.

In addition, the JYSR Pneumatic conveying tri-leaf roots blower is used for circulating pipes would make use of a variety this is certainly wide of and applications. These include chemical plants, food processing facilities, tangible flowers, pharmaceutical factories, energy networks, and many other things. The JYSR Pneumatic conveying tri-leaf roots blower could be a dependable and solution this is certainly effective it is important to transfer materials that are bulk long distances, and sometimes even feed a reactor or maybe a hopper.

The JYSR Pneumatic conveying tri-leaf roots blower is used for circulating pipes is a wonderful option if you should be searching for a high-performance, customizable, and easy-to-use conveying blower that is pneumatic. The merchandise supplies a variety of benefits, including versatility, durability, ease of installation and maintenance, and suitability for assorted applications. Aided by the JYSR brand, you are sure you may be buying a good consumer and item service this is certainly very good.




Harga blower udara supercharger akar kualitas terbaik untuk dijual

JYSR-50  JYSR-65  JYSR-80   JYSR-100   JYSR-125   JYSR-150 

JYSR-150  JYSR-175 JYSR-200   JYSR-250   JYSR-250  JYSR-300  JYSR-300

2.Ukuran Lubang Pelepasan

50 (2"),65 (2.5"),80 (3.15"),100 (4"),125 (5"),150 (6"),200 (7.8"),250 (9.85"),300 (11.8")

Atau dalam rentang indikasi pelanggan

3. Lingkup tekanan diferensial


4. Ruang lingkup kapasitas udara

0.6-184m3/ Min

5.Kekuatan motor



peredam masuk & keluar (dengan filter udara); konektor fleksibel; katup periksa; baut pondasi; katup kempes; pengukur tekanan; alas; oli roda gigi

Proses Produksi Root Blower

A: Komponen Pemesinan Casing Mesin

Mesin Produksi & pengujian kosong - Penggilingan kasar - Penggilingan akhir - Lubang bor -pengeboran&penyadapan -Pengujian -Stok

B: Komponen Pemesinan Lobus:

Mesin Kosong-Produksi&Pengujian-Bubut Menghadapi&reaming lubang-bidang kasar-bidang penyelesaian-

produk setengah jadi - pemasangan poros - membuat keseimbangan statis & dinamis

C: Komponen Pemesinan Poros Penggerak / Penggerak:

Pengujian batang baja - pemotongan - Perlakuan panas - Lubang Bor - Penghalusan mesin bubut - pasang poros ke dalam lobus-pengujian-stok.

D: Komponen Pemesinan Pelat Dinding:

Produksi Plate Blank - penggilingan dinding pelat - lubang bor -pengujian -stok

Shandong Jianyu Machinery Co,ltd terletak di kota pemrosesan mekanis yang terkenal di kota Xianggong, distrik Zhangqiu, Kota Jinan, Provinsi Shandong. Kami selalu mengkhususkan diri dalam penelitian dan pembuatan blower akar dan pompa vakum akar, kami telah mendapat banyak penghargaan dan banyak reputasi di dalam dan luar negeri.


Kami memiliki blower akar seri RSR/MTS/MTRR/MTRG/MTRH/MTRF/MJSR, pompa vakum akar dan produk terkait, yang banyak digunakan dalam pengolahan limbah, pabrik kimia, proyek MVR, pabrik semen, pembangkit listrik, pabrik pupuk , produksi kertas, pabrik batubara, pabrik tekstil, pabrik makanan, budidaya perikanan, paket vakum, industri metalurgi dan banyak industri lainnya.


Mengikuti pedoman "Khusus membangun kualitas, kejujuran menciptakan masa depan", kami telah menetapkan sistem layanan sebelum dan sesudah penjualan yang sempurna, dukungan konsultasi teknis gratis seumur hidup, kami bersedia bekerja sama dengan teman-teman dari seluruh dunia untuk menciptakan jangka panjang bisnis yang sedang booming.




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